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Join Us at Western Trails Gun and Knife Show Event!

The Longest running locally owned gun shows in Las Vegas!

Be your Own Boss, Become a Vendor!

Connect with thousands of passionate buyers at the Western Trails Gun and Knife Show!

We provide a high-traffic marketplace for vendors of all sizes to showcase their firearms, knives, accessories, and related products.

Join our community of successful exhibitors and experience the benefits of participating in a well-established and respected gun show in Las Vegas.
Western Trails Las Vegas Gun Show Event

Vendor Inquiry Form

Join Our Show

8 Foot Table Fee:

  • FLOOR TABLES - $120
  • WALL TABLES - $120

Call Pete for more info and availability.

Feel free to reach out to us if you’re interested in becoming an exhibitor by email [email protected] or call Pete at 702-800-9982.

We will respond immediately and be more than happy to answer any questions. Thank you in advance for considering Western Trails Show Promotions, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Important Show Rules



  • 50% minimum deposit is required to reserve a table.  Check payments must be received no later than 15 days prior to the show.  
  • After 15 days prior to the show, payments must be paid in full by Cash or Credit Card only.  No tables will be reserved with late check payments.  $10 penalty fee per table for balances not paid in full as required.
  • If arrangement were made prior to the show, payments must be paid by Cash or Credit Card.
  • Credit Card Payments have additional $10 fee for bank processing.



We will transfer your table payment to our next show if you cancel more than 4 weeks prior to show date.

In the event that vendor does not occupy assigned space 60 minutes before the opening of the event, Western Trails Show Promotions reserves the right to sell or use space without refund or obligation to original leasing vendor (unless vendor has contacted Western Trails management to state they are running late). The booth becomes the property of Western Trails and will be used in a matter of its choosing.


At sign-in you will receive your  vendor  badges.  You will receive two badges for the first 2 tables and one for each additional tables.  If you misplace or lose your badge and you need a replacement, there will be a $10 charge per badge.  Please wear your badge when entering the show and at all times during the show.  Your badge allows you access to free vendor parking.


It is the sole responsibility of each exhibitor to be in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local Laws.

Western Trails has been notified that we, as the Special Event (Gun Show) Organizer, ARE REQUIRED to enforce the city's permit form, collect the required fee for the city, and then provide the city with these forms and fees after the event has concluded .  Further, the city will not accept checks for this permit fee by individual vendors.  PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT WESTERN TRAILS DOES NOT KEEP A SINGLE CENT OF YOUR PERMIT FEE.  We will provide you with this form and collect the city fee when you sign in prior to setting up for the show.  Cash or Credit Card only.


Western Trails (Promoter) will provide all exhibitors a "One-Time Sales Tax Return." All exhibitors will be required to complete and remit the form with the sales tax collected back to the Promoter at the end of the event before leaving the venue. The Promoter will forward the completed return and the exhibitor's payment to the NV Department of Taxation.  If an exhibitor sell at more than two events in Nevada during a twelve month period, exhibitor must register with the Department and obtain a Sales & Use Tax Permit. If an exhibitor has no sales, or has non-taxable sales, or already holds a Nevada Sales & Use Tax Permit, the exhibitor is still required to sign and turn in the one-time tax return showing zero. For further assistance contact the Department's Call Center at (866) 962-3707.


ALL Firearms transaction including sales, transfers, and purchases MUST be documented by show vendors. Documentation must include: Identification checks (In accordance to Nevada Revised Statute "NRS").  Information such as: Name, Address, Type and ID# of the individual involved in the transaction MUST be recorded for future reference to protect the show promoter and vendors.  Failure to follow show policy could be grounds for expulsion or denial from future shows.


Vendor Set-Up:
Alexis Park - Friday 9AM to 7PM
Tuscany - Thursday and Friday 3PM to 7PM

Vendor Only Hours:
Saturday 8AM to 9AM
Sunday 8AM to 9AM

Public Show Hours:
Saturday 9AM to 5PM
Sunday 9AM to 4PM


Security is the exhibitor's sole responsibility during set up and takedown.  We provide overnight security on Friday and Saturday from closing time until we open the doors to the vendors at 8AM in the morning.  


                                                           **ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS**


Generally, any items offensive to the general public, including but not limited to:


  1. Pornographic materials
  2. Drug paraphernalia
  3. Tobacco products
  4. Alcoholic beverages
  5. Loaded firearms
  6. Black powder



Western Trails does not wish to tell anyone how to act or behave.  Since the show is open to the public upon paying for admission, we should expect various media representatives to be in attendance as well.  Therefore, we reserve the right to ask people who act detrimentally towards our public image as responsible firearms owners to leave our show.  Please exhibit good common sense and courtesy!


Western Trails Show Promotions, LLC has the right to use your business name, pictures of products, workers, customers, and display in any video, newsprint, website, or any other media to promote Western Trails. If you take pictures at our event and post them publicly on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, your or any webpage or on any flyer, we reserve the rights to copy and use them at our discretion. Exhibitor understands these become property of the promoter and acknowledges their consent to use such items. the promoter also agrees that any marketing material such as fliers, Facebook posts, or other advertisement may be used by the exhibitor to share to promote events by the promoter.


The exhibitor accepts all risks associated with the use of the exhibit space and environs. The exhibitor shall not make any claim or demand or take any legal action, whatsoever, against Western Trails Show Promotions, LLC, the show sponsors, or the facility in which the show is held, for any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused, to the exhibitor, its officers, employees, agents, or their property.

The exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Western Trails Show Promotions, LLC, show sponsors and facility, their respective officers, agents, and employees, against all claims, costs and charges of every kind resulting from their occupancy of the exhibit space or its environs, for personal injuries, death, property damages or any other damage sustained by the exhibitor or its officers, agents, employees, or those for whom in law they are responsible, or Western Trails Show Promotions, LLC or a visitor of the show.

© 2025 Western Trails Show Promotions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Developed by
Maglacas Digital

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